Friday, December 30, 2011

Relationships and Resolutions

This morning as I was praying for my children and grandchildren I had an epiphany. Tears were welling up as my heart was missing each and every one of them. I love every one of them with my whole heart. I would give my life for any of them. I love them equally! There may be some that would deny that but I know my heart. I do have a closer relationship with some of them more than others. Why is that, because my love is the same? It is because some work on our relationship more than the others. When I am the one that has to do most of the work on a relationship, (which may be just my opinion), it keeps from having the closeness I long for. It doesn't change my love for them, it just keeps us from that intimate relationship.
So here comes the this how God sees it. Is that why King David was "the apple of His eye"? Is that why Abraham was considered a "friend" of God. The Bible never says that God loved them more than the rest of us. But he had a closer relationship with them because they worked on it. It wasn't a once or twice a week communion with God. They longed for a relationship with God almost as much as God longed for a relationship with them. These were VERY flawed humans. A liar, an adulterer, a murderer. But they still desired to be intimate with God. Just them having that desire had to make God's heart sing.
I desire also to have an intimate relationship with God. I know that I am also a VERY flawed human. I know that God loves me as much as He loves anyone else. I know that it won't make Him love me more than He already does. It will make ME love HIM more. I want to be His "friend" and "the apple of His eye". I know it will take work on my part. More digging into His Word. More praying and communing with Him.
My New Years resolution keep striving for that close intimate relationship that I know God longs for, just like I long for with my family...
The love is there, now for the relationship...

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. It is too bad that we don't accept God's Love as He wants us to. I too continue on my relationship with Him .
