Saturday, February 25, 2012

Privacy and Rights

With so much emphasis on our privacy, in America, because of fears of being scammed or our identities being stolen, etc. it really got me thinking how a lot of times our American rights and freedoms get in the way of our Christianity. Case in point...our privacy. I do know that we do have to protect ourselves from people who will take advantage of what we say on social medias. Finding out when we leave on vacations thus robbing our homes and so on. But are we too private? We tend to build a wall around ourselves so high that no one can see in. That way we can hide our faults, our flaws, our sins. We want people to like us, but we don't like ourselves at times. We feel guilty for the stupid, thoughtless, selfish, things that we do, say or think. If others KNEW what we are really like, they wouldn't like us. We give the appearance that it would be almost impossible for anyone to attain our perfection. Not one single person in the Bible, other than Jesus, was made out to be perfect! I believe God chose to show that on purpose. I believe He wanted to prove that it was impossible for anyone to be "good enough" to be holy. If we could, there would be no point in Jesus dying for our sins.
Then there is the idea of our rights. Yes we have rights in America that I cherish. But it stifles us spiritually. It makes us selfish and self-centered. We spend so much time and energy defending our rights that we neglect spreading God's good news that we can be forgiven and adopted by him. I will give up ALL my rights for that privilege!
I am not saying that we need to lay down and be trampled or allow others to be exploited without a fight. I am talking about more minor things. Being disrespected or defending our honor.
Someone said something today that offended me. My first reaction was to explain why I do what I do and why what they said was mean spirited and almost a slap in the face. I thought about blogging on that subject. As the day wore on, I realized that I would only be doing that out of justifying myself. I could possibly offend that person with my blog. I don't want to do that. I want Christ's love to flow through me not, what is my rights, or freedom of speech. When we concentrate on our rights we forget about others.
 I feel like I am rambling on and on. I want so much to impress, we as Christians need to take our walls down. When others can't reach us...we can't reach them either. There isn't anywhere in the Bible that says its okay to be private.


  1. I do agree that we need to lower our privacy fences. Yet even Jesus slipped away from the crowds and his disciples to spend time alone with God.

    I'm glad you chose to give up your right to defend yourself for the sake of another.

  2. Yes Jesus did slip away and spend private time with the Father. I don't have a problem with some privacy. It is more about making oneself an island to keep from being hurt or found out that we are not this perfect person. Wanting people to look up to us as if we have all the answers and a perfect life. It keeps us from being accountable for our thoughts and actions.
