Friday, February 20, 2015

My Battle...My Armor...

It has been a very long night. My mind keeps racing and won't let me sleep.
I don't consciously feel like I am worrying. Just so much going through my mind.
So many things that I need to prepare and yet I am not ready to start.
Trying hard to silence the noise in my head.

So I take out my armor;

My sword ~ The Word of God

My shield ~ stop the fiery arrows of the devil

My belt of truth ~ to stand my ground

My body armor ~ God's righteousness

My shoes ~ peace that comes from the Good News

My helmet ~ my salvation

~Ephesians 6:13-17~

The horse is made read for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord. ~Proverbs21:31~

Spiritual victory comes only to those who are prepared for battle. ~author unknown~

What more needs to be done? What more do I need to do?

God has got this...100%!


  1. Beautifully written, Crystal. I'm still praying! Love and hugs!


  2. Crystal you are SO inspiring!!! SO grateful you know the One true God, you know Who "has it" You know He will never leave you. Saying prayers. Love ya!!

  3. God does not leave us without a great defensive strategy and tools for an offensive attack against the enemy.
